Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today is National Macaroon Day.....

National Macaroon Day honors the Macaroon, a flourless cookie. It is popular among the Jewish community, especially during Passover, when Jews can not cook with flour. But, the popularity of the Macaroon doesn't stop there. It is also enjoyed around the world.

Macaroons are made from ground nuts and leavened egg whites. Coconut and potato starch is common in Macaroon recipes. Macaroons were believed to have been first made in an Italian monastery in 1792. While monks are well known for their vows of silence, they just couldn't keep quiet about this tasty treat.

Celebrate National Macaroon Day by baking and eating macaroons. If your schedule is tight today, stop by a bakery and select some for both work and for home.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Tuesday :)

Hope you are all having a GREAT week so far!!!! The weather is getting nicer out side and you know what that mean.....time to PLAY OUTSIDE!!!!! Stinky Gringo goes great with all you Summer fun!

Pick up you Stinky today to make any outdoor activity even better!!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Friday

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!!! I'm for sure going to get my "Stinky On" what about you????

Remember to check out our website tab "Where To Buy" to check out the place Stinky Gringo is sold!!!!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Half Way There!!!

It's Wednesday and your half way to your weekend! Got any plans for this weekend???? Whatever you have planned make sure you bring along some Stinky Gringo. I'm sure it will put a smile on everyone's face :)

You can check out our website to find all the places you can purchase your favorite flavor


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

National Pack Rat Day

Today is Pack Rat Day. 'Cmon, admit it... .. you're a Pack Rat like the rest of us. If you are a Pack Rat, you're in good company. You might as well come out of hiding behind those piles of valuable "stuff", and celebrate this fun day.

Its really easy to let things pile up. After all, each item you acquire along the road of life may have value or serve some meaningful purpose. 'Ya just never know. Making the decision to discard something of even remotely questionable value, is difficult, if not impossible to do. We understand you perfectly. Why? Because most of us are pack rats.

In keeping with the intent of Pack Rat Day, here are some Do's and Don't's:

* Don't clean your room, basement, garage or any other area today.
* Don't discard anything today...It may be valuable.
* Don't even empty the trash today. You might have accidentally thrown out something useful.
* Do keep an eye out for useful stuff being discarded by others.
* Do go to garage and rummage sales. They can be pack rat gold mines.
* Do look around your belongings and be thankful for what you have.
* Do spend time thinking of uses for your things. Justification for saving is satisfying.

Got some other Do's and Don't's? Email us!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Remember you can get Stinky at your local Sendik's or liquor store!!

If you prefer to have someone else make you drink for you head out to Sobelmans Pub and Grill or Palermo Villa



Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Operator of neighboring eatery indicted in Pizza Man arson Suspect's Black and White Café opened about a year before fire

By John Diedrich of the Journal Sentinel

May 10, 2011

A grand jury in Milwaukee indicted the owner of the Black and White Café on Tuesday in connection with a January 2010 fire that destroyed the building housing the well-known Pizza Man restaurant on the city's east side.

Feras Rahman, 27, of Milwaukee was indicted on counts of arson resulting in injury, arson to commit mail fraud, mail fraud and lying, according to the indictment. The fire caused more than $3 million in damage.

The cafe, a counter-service restaurant, opened next door to Pizza Man in January 2009. The fire began in the Black and White Café, fire investigators have said.

Rahman faces a minimum of 17 years in prison if convicted on the arson counts alone, according to U.S. Attorney James Santelle. Convictions on the other counts could add more prison time.

In a statement, Santelle commended the investigation involving federal, state and local law enforcement.

"Their focus on and attention to this matter since the time of the arson, along with the work of federal and county prosecutors, reflects our commitment to pursue aggressively violent crimes of all types - not only to ensure the safety and well-being of our community but also to discourage those who might otherwise be inclined to engage in highly destructive behaviors of this sort," Santelle said.

Fred Milanowski, assistant special agent in charge of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said in a statement, "The potential loss of life of building occupants, responding law enforcement or fire service personnel is what makes arson such a violent crime. We are very fortunate that no one was killed as a result of this senseless act."

Deanna Amidzich, co-owner of Pizza Man, which will not reopen, said justice was served by the indictment.

"What they did could have killed many people, and it did destroy many lives," said Amidzich, adding one of her former employees lost his home because the fire left him unemployed.

Amidzich said sorting out the insurance has been difficult. She and her husband have been saved by what had been a side business, a pre-mixed margarita and tequila brand called Stinky Gringo.

"No one is truly prepared for this," she said.

Rahman is not in custody. He is expected to appear by summons in the near future, according to his attorney, federal public defender Daniel Stiller. Stiller said his client plans to plead not guilty.

"From the time of the fire until the time of the indictment, Mr. Rahman has professed his innocence," Stiller said. "These cases are scary because unless Mr. Rahman started this fire, he is a victim of this fire. His not-guilty plea casts him in the role of the victim."

Friday, May 6, 2011

Stinky Gringo's Growing Margarita Empire

By Evan Rytlewski
"We lost everything overnight," says Deanna Amidzich of the January 2010 four-alarm fire that destroyed Pizza Man, the historic East Side restaurant she owned with her husband, Mike. In the aftermath of the fire, which had been deliberately set at a neighboring North Avenue restaurant, the couple scouted new locations to rebuild the restaurant while refocusing their attention on their other business, Stinky Gringo—a line of pre-mixed margaritas and tequila based on the margaritas they had served at Pizza Man.

"It was a margarita that everybody always liked," Amidzich says. "We would make batches for friends and family and people would keep saying, 'There's nothing like this on the market; you need to bottle this.' So we did, as a pie-in-the-sky venture. We produced our first bottle on April Fools' Day 2004."

That gambit is now Amidzich's full-time job. Once only available at local retailers, the company's products are now carried in more than 20 states, five of which have been added since this January, and the company is expecting that rapid growth to continue. Last year Stinky Gringo produced 27,000 cases of margaritas, a number it plans to double this year.

The brand's appeal is obvious: At 36 proof, Stinky Gringo's are easily the strongest pre-mixed margaritas on the market, far more potent than the 20 proof of most pre-mixed margaritas. In addition to more booze for the buck, Stinky Gringo's margaritas are made from pure tequila, unlike cheaper brands that cut their mixes with wine or grain alcohol.

"The reason we're going so fast is that consumers are getting more educated on what they're drinking," Amidzich says. "We've been doing tastings wherever we can, and we have a growing cult following on Facebook."

The Amidziches say Stinky Gringo is now their main concern. After talks of reopening Pizza Man in a new location fell through and Mike was hospitalized with a stress-related illness this year, the couple decided fate was telling them to retire from the restaurant business.

"We've met with a few people who are interested in purchasing the Pizza Man recipes, name and rights, but as far as going through the hell of operating a restaurant ourselves, those days are over," Amidzich says. "Right now I'm having way more fun selling hooch and watching this business really come into fruition."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today is National Candied Orange Peel Day

Sweet Candied Orange and Lemon Peel
By: Brenda Ward
"With this easy-to-follow recipe, orange and lemon peel become an elegant -- yet still a bit tart -- sugared confection."

Prep Time:
10 Min
Cook Time:
30 Min
Ready In:
4 Hrs 40 Min

Servings (Help)
US Metric Calculate

Original Recipe Yield 3 cups


* 6 lemon peels, cut into 1/4 inch strips
* 4 orange peels, cut into 1/4 inch strips
* 2 cups white sugar
* 1 cup water
* 1/3 cup white sugar for decoration


1. Place lemon and orange peel in large saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Boil for 20 minutes, drain and set aside.
2. In medium saucepan, combine 2 cups sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil and cook until mixture reaches thread stage, 230 degrees F (108 degrees C) on candy thermometer, or small amount dropped in cold water forms a soft thread. Stir in peel, reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Drain.
3. Roll peel pieces, a few at a time, in remaining sugar. Let dry on wire rack several hours. Store in airtight container.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fox 6 Giveaway!!!!

Head over to http://www.fox6now.com/ to sign up to WIN a basket of Stinky Gringo Margarita and Tequila!!!
You can enter every hour up until May 5th

Monday, May 2, 2011

National Fire Day

Don't get burned today... stay calm and cool with a ice cold Stinky Gringo Margarita :)