Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today is National Goof Off Day

On March 22 we've all been given permission to goof off. Tell your boss and your kids that it's National Goof Off Day! That will work, right?

Today is National Goof-Off Day. It’s not exactly a big-ticket holiday, but in a world filled with super-serious adults, this is the day we should celebrate 365 days a year.

So let’s take the Ferris Bueller philosophy and apply it to our adult lives whenever life gets too serious, complicated or demanding. How can we possibly be expected to handle life/work/parenting/home improvements on a day like this? The school-skipping, life-living character in the film put it best when he observed, “Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

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